Let’s study God’s word - Together!

Discover the precious treasures in the Bible, find meaningful connections with faithful women, and grow in your relationship with Jesus at Within the Word.

Real women learning about a real Jesus.

Within the Word is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women grow in their relationship with Jesus. We want to encourage women to deepen their faith, experience personal growth, and to use that to positively impact the world for Christ.

Meaningful connections.

When you study the greatest love letter of all time you want to share it with people you know! Learning and sharing with like-minded women of faith helps us grow in our relationships. At Within the Word, we offer small groups with a diverse group of women. Single, married, divorced, widowed, young mothers, adult children, working women, stay-at-home women, women from all walks and seasons of life.

Where two or three are gathered in my name - There I am.
— Matthew 18:20

Kathy Patton, Founder, Lead Teacher

“It is my heart’s desire that you discover the treasures the Bible has in store for your life.”



    2001 N.W. 178h Street


    5561 N.W. Expressway


    1500 E. Imhoff Road


    Learn more about our online groups under locations.

  • "It has changed my life completely! I am a better wife, mother, and friend by digging into God's word together."


  • "A great group of women who support each other while seeking to grow closer to God."


  • "I am growing closer to Jesus and grateful for all of these wonderful faithful friends."


Applicable bible study for ALL women.

Bible studies are an important part of developing a deeper faith and understanding of God’s word. Let Within the Word help you strengthen that relationship with Jesus. If you have never studied the Bible, do not let that keep you from starting today! We have women in all seasons of life and their faith-walks to join you on your journey to learn more about Jesus.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8